Breakfast is important for your senior, especially if she needs to take some medications with food in the morning, but that doesn’t mean that she enjoys the idea of breakfast. 


Elder Care in Englewood CO: Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Elder Care in Englewood CO: Healthy Breakfast Ideas


Here are some healthy ideas that might work for her.


Oatmeal or Other Cereals

Cereal has been a morning go-to for a long time and it’s easy to prepare. If your elderly family member likes oatmeal, then some options for morning oats are even easier. Overnight oatmeal involves putting oats, milk or nut milk, and other ingredients in a container overnight. By morning, heat it up and add anything else that sounds delicious.


Eggs in a Variety of Ways

If your elderly family member enjoys eggs, she might want to try them in a variety of different ways. The old standbys of scrambled and poached eggs are tasty, but your elderly family member might enjoy something even easier. Hard-boiled eggs are easy to keep in the fridge pre-made and grab whenever your senior is hungry.


Breakfast Casseroles

Breakfast casseroles give you a way to sneak a lot of healthy ingredients into one dish. They’re usually egg-based and might include potatoes, sausage, bacon, and other traditional breakfast ingredients. But you can also add shredded carrots, zucchini, and even sliced tomatoes to the mix.



Muffins can be a bad idea if you’re using a mix that has a lot of sugar or buying store-bought versions. But if you’re making them, you can bump up the nutritional value by doing some of the same things you might do with a breakfast casserole. Ingredients like carrots and zucchini can make a fantastic addition to muffins, too.



Just like breakfast foods can make a fantastic dinner, so too can leftovers make a great breakfast. If your elderly family member isn’t a fan of many breakfast foods, she might be more inclined to eat in the morning if she’s eating something she does enjoy. Give leftovers a try and see if those help her to enjoy breakfast a little bit more. The bonus is that she’s got a healthy option ready to eat and leftovers are less likely to linger in the fridge.

If eating breakfast regularly is a big problem for your senior, it might help if she has some help with preparing it. Elderly care providers can help your senior be ready for delicious and nutritious breakfasts as well as other meals throughout the day. This can take a lot of pressure off your senior and allow her to simply enjoy what she’s eating.

To learn more about the benefits of having Elder Care in Englewood, CO, and schedule a free consultation, contact AA HealthSystem at (720) 863-1006 today. Provide your aging parent with the care and support they need through personalized in-home care services.

AA HealthSystem